2008-04-18 07:30:44 UTC
As same as other epics of our/all releigions, there are a lots of
adverse and advance talking in the "Yogshastra". And like all other
releigious books there are several hypothecatic topicks init. here are
some examples-
First of all lets talk about the first and begning of "Yogshutra ".
for your kind information let me tell that the Yogshastra has been
written on "shutra" form. Shutra is a little and meaningful pharse in
Sanskrit language. All the words of the shutra hsa bears a number of
meanings, and there is controvercy arises. Through these controvercies
it is very difficult to find any deceision. And only because of this
weakness there were a lots of hypothecations and myths (an unreal
story) arises. These myths develops a new superstition and
superstition also produce another myths and vice-versa.
Lets talk bout the forst and origin shutra of Yoga.
Yogshutra,samadhipaad, shutra-2.
Chitta and vrities are the two aspects of humankind. But Yoga calls us
to kill the vrities and live only with Chitt.
but for your kind information, I have to say that these two (Chitta
and Vritties) are not two elements. They are same or two aspects of
same thing(humankind).Chitta and vrities are as same as day and night,
darkness and light. In the present nature all the existings have their
negatives. For example days have night, beautiful lotus have mud. If
we remove the dirtynees of mud we will also loss the beauty of lotus.
And it is a universal law. All the present things have their
negatives. But this is nit woth chitta and vrities. Chitta and
vritties are not two things Chitta forms by vritties, it means that no
one can prevent it(chita or vritties)as says in Yogshutra.
It is very basic and primary weakness of Yoga and through this hole
all the establishments aout Yoga feels fiction. While there are
several other fictions in Yogshastra-
now lets see some of the - look at this shutra -
Sadhanpaad , shutra-36,
Means ones who live with truth can receive the rewards of any work of
any on for himself or anyself. Now you have to deceide that how the
result of any work of anyone can be received by another. How it is
posible that eat one and satisfy another, not only here but this other
can also send this satisfaction to anyone? What is this hypothecation?
Imagination?for a false statement? If not so how it is possible? Can
anyone describe it? Live with truth is a good mannaer but truth can
give this kind of power. I can't beleive it. And through this epic
there are several other myths have been published. We have to oppose
these kind of statements.
While lets look on the another shutra
Sadhaanpaad , Shutra -37.
There is another type of hypothecation and a kind of grid has been
offered by Yoga. In this shutra it is stated that ones who lives with
ASTEY can get any kind of wealth. Here we have to know about ASTEY, it
means nothing receive by anyone. And in Yogshutra it is stated that
the 'asteyi' can get everything. Means one who is not ready to receive
can get. If this is not a hyothecation then what is this? I am not
understand that what yoga says. One who is not ready to receive can
get every thing. And if it happened then what kind of cansumption he
can made? And there is another major question - Is there a man of this
kind? Ones who called Yogi are of this nature. This is an
antiprogressive statement and according to thses kind of statements
there will be says thatthe Yoga is against the progess of science.
Lets talk to another shutra - here Patanjali(author of Yogshastra)
says that we can knew our past births through APARIGRAH.
Sadhaanpaad , Shutra -39.
'Purva Janam' is a fiction and the yoga says about to realise it. All
the frauds and business of releigions is based on myths of past borth
and heaven.And it can be strongly stated that there is not nay past
birth and heaven. Then anyone can knew it, how? Totally fraud!
Lets talk to some other Shutra where Patanjali says about the power of
yogi and offering a lots of grid to man.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 27.
Means meditate with sun can give knowledge about the world. Here the
T.V. and oher communication resources are not necessory , only
meditate with sun and knew all about the world!
Bibhutipaad , shutra 28.
Meditate with moon can give knowledge about the stars, without the
help of planetorium , only meditate with moon and knew all bout the
Bibhutipaad , shutra 29.
Meditate with 'Dhruvtara'and knew the motion path of stars. here space
telescope is useless? what is this?
Lets talk about the another type of hypothecation in Yoga
Bibhutipaad , shutra 30.
Consentration on 'Nabhi'( a place on stomach) can give knowledge about
the body. There is no need to study medical science. All the
information about human body can be received through consentration on
Bibhutipaad , shutra 31.
Means consentration on Kanth(a place on neck) can give the power to
live without meal. Is it possible? Any a man also whom called them
Yogi can live without mea? Is Patanjali himself were lived without
meal? He were eat or no? But it is also as true as Patanjali himself
that the took fooding. Then how he told this type of hypothecation..
Not only here but is can also be sys that nobody could follows up
Aparigrah as stated in Yogashutra and Astey is also far away from the
limits of practice.No such a Yogi who can follow up these situations,
and not any kind of persons who fulfill this.
lets talk on anther shutra -
Bibhutipaad , shutra 32.
Consentration on Kurma Nari can give the stability of body.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 33
Consentration of light on the top of head ( is there any man who have
seen it)can met the Sidhdhays(Yogis).It can be said that there is not
any kind of this type of light and not any result of this kind of
consentration. this is a false and imaginative statement and we
shouldn't have to beleive it.
lets look on otherone
Bibhutipaad , shutra 35.
Means consentration on heart can gives the knowledge about the mind &
thoughts or can give the knowlege of Psycolodgy. But I knew the
psycosiololists and they knew it through his labour and practice, not
through these kind of consentrations.
Lets see on another shutra
Bibhutipaad , shutra 39.
Here Patanjali told to reach in the mind and boudy of others, which is
called 'Parkaya pravesh'. It is totally false and imaginative to reach
and capture the mind and body of anotherone.
In anther place Patanjai says about to fly in the air and this is
receive through the consentration on the light weighted things.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 43.
adverse and advance talking in the "Yogshastra". And like all other
releigious books there are several hypothecatic topicks init. here are
some examples-
First of all lets talk about the first and begning of "Yogshutra ".
for your kind information let me tell that the Yogshastra has been
written on "shutra" form. Shutra is a little and meaningful pharse in
Sanskrit language. All the words of the shutra hsa bears a number of
meanings, and there is controvercy arises. Through these controvercies
it is very difficult to find any deceision. And only because of this
weakness there were a lots of hypothecations and myths (an unreal
story) arises. These myths develops a new superstition and
superstition also produce another myths and vice-versa.
Lets talk bout the forst and origin shutra of Yoga.
Yogshutra,samadhipaad, shutra-2.
Chitta and vrities are the two aspects of humankind. But Yoga calls us
to kill the vrities and live only with Chitt.
but for your kind information, I have to say that these two (Chitta
and Vritties) are not two elements. They are same or two aspects of
same thing(humankind).Chitta and vrities are as same as day and night,
darkness and light. In the present nature all the existings have their
negatives. For example days have night, beautiful lotus have mud. If
we remove the dirtynees of mud we will also loss the beauty of lotus.
And it is a universal law. All the present things have their
negatives. But this is nit woth chitta and vrities. Chitta and
vritties are not two things Chitta forms by vritties, it means that no
one can prevent it(chita or vritties)as says in Yogshutra.
It is very basic and primary weakness of Yoga and through this hole
all the establishments aout Yoga feels fiction. While there are
several other fictions in Yogshastra-
now lets see some of the - look at this shutra -
Sadhanpaad , shutra-36,
Means ones who live with truth can receive the rewards of any work of
any on for himself or anyself. Now you have to deceide that how the
result of any work of anyone can be received by another. How it is
posible that eat one and satisfy another, not only here but this other
can also send this satisfaction to anyone? What is this hypothecation?
Imagination?for a false statement? If not so how it is possible? Can
anyone describe it? Live with truth is a good mannaer but truth can
give this kind of power. I can't beleive it. And through this epic
there are several other myths have been published. We have to oppose
these kind of statements.
While lets look on the another shutra
Sadhaanpaad , Shutra -37.
There is another type of hypothecation and a kind of grid has been
offered by Yoga. In this shutra it is stated that ones who lives with
ASTEY can get any kind of wealth. Here we have to know about ASTEY, it
means nothing receive by anyone. And in Yogshutra it is stated that
the 'asteyi' can get everything. Means one who is not ready to receive
can get. If this is not a hyothecation then what is this? I am not
understand that what yoga says. One who is not ready to receive can
get every thing. And if it happened then what kind of cansumption he
can made? And there is another major question - Is there a man of this
kind? Ones who called Yogi are of this nature. This is an
antiprogressive statement and according to thses kind of statements
there will be says thatthe Yoga is against the progess of science.
Lets talk to another shutra - here Patanjali(author of Yogshastra)
says that we can knew our past births through APARIGRAH.
Sadhaanpaad , Shutra -39.
'Purva Janam' is a fiction and the yoga says about to realise it. All
the frauds and business of releigions is based on myths of past borth
and heaven.And it can be strongly stated that there is not nay past
birth and heaven. Then anyone can knew it, how? Totally fraud!
Lets talk to some other Shutra where Patanjali says about the power of
yogi and offering a lots of grid to man.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 27.
Means meditate with sun can give knowledge about the world. Here the
T.V. and oher communication resources are not necessory , only
meditate with sun and knew all about the world!
Bibhutipaad , shutra 28.
Meditate with moon can give knowledge about the stars, without the
help of planetorium , only meditate with moon and knew all bout the
Bibhutipaad , shutra 29.
Meditate with 'Dhruvtara'and knew the motion path of stars. here space
telescope is useless? what is this?
Lets talk about the another type of hypothecation in Yoga
Bibhutipaad , shutra 30.
Consentration on 'Nabhi'( a place on stomach) can give knowledge about
the body. There is no need to study medical science. All the
information about human body can be received through consentration on
Bibhutipaad , shutra 31.
Means consentration on Kanth(a place on neck) can give the power to
live without meal. Is it possible? Any a man also whom called them
Yogi can live without mea? Is Patanjali himself were lived without
meal? He were eat or no? But it is also as true as Patanjali himself
that the took fooding. Then how he told this type of hypothecation..
Not only here but is can also be sys that nobody could follows up
Aparigrah as stated in Yogashutra and Astey is also far away from the
limits of practice.No such a Yogi who can follow up these situations,
and not any kind of persons who fulfill this.
lets talk on anther shutra -
Bibhutipaad , shutra 32.
Consentration on Kurma Nari can give the stability of body.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 33
Consentration of light on the top of head ( is there any man who have
seen it)can met the Sidhdhays(Yogis).It can be said that there is not
any kind of this type of light and not any result of this kind of
consentration. this is a false and imaginative statement and we
shouldn't have to beleive it.
lets look on otherone
Bibhutipaad , shutra 35.
Means consentration on heart can gives the knowledge about the mind &
thoughts or can give the knowlege of Psycolodgy. But I knew the
psycosiololists and they knew it through his labour and practice, not
through these kind of consentrations.
Lets see on another shutra
Bibhutipaad , shutra 39.
Here Patanjali told to reach in the mind and boudy of others, which is
called 'Parkaya pravesh'. It is totally false and imaginative to reach
and capture the mind and body of anotherone.
In anther place Patanjai says about to fly in the air and this is
receive through the consentration on the light weighted things.
Bibhutipaad , shutra 43.