[ Above the door of every business this sign is hanging ]
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0LEADER WANTED
~ who will not lose their i\individuality in a crowd, a leader who has
the courage of their convictions, who is not afraid to say "NO" though
all the world says "YES."
~ who is dominated by a mighty purpose, a leader who will not allow the
over development of one faculty stamp out or paralyze other faculties.
~ who is larger than their calling, who considers it a low estimate of
their occupation to value it merely as a means of making a living.
~ who sees self-development, education, culture, discipline, character
and personhood in their work.
~ of courage who is not a coward in any part of their nature.
~ who is well balanced, who is not cursed with some little defect or
weaknes which cripples their usefulness and neutralizes their power.
~ who is symmetrical and not one-sided in their development, who has not
spent all their energies of their being in one narrow specialty and
allowed all other branches of their life to wither and die.
~ who is broad minded and does not take a half view of things, a person
who mixes common sense with their senses, who does not let a college
education spoil them for practical everyday life, a leader who prefers
substance to show and who regards their good name as a priceless
~ who is full of life and fire, whose passions are trained to heed a
strong desire, the servant of a tender consience, who has learned to
love all beauty, whether of nature or of art, to hate all violence and
to respect others as themselves.
~ who is educated all over, whose nerves are brought to a sharper
sensibility, whose brain is cultured, keen, incisive; whose hands are
adept, whose eyes are alert, sensitive, microscopic; whose heart is
tender, magnanimous and true.
=A0 =9B