(too old to reply)
j j
2008-10-01 19:02:11 UTC
When --- our heart 'no longer belongs to us personally' --- It Is The

=A0 =9B
j j
2008-10-01 20:02:14 UTC
[ Above the door of every business this sign is hanging ]
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0LEADER WANTED
~ who will not lose their i\individuality in a crowd, a leader who has
the courage of their convictions, who is not afraid to say "NO" though
all the world says "YES."
~ who is dominated by a mighty purpose, a leader who will not allow the
over development of one faculty stamp out or paralyze other faculties.

~ who is larger than their calling, who considers it a low estimate of
their occupation to value it merely as a means of making a living.

~ who sees self-development, education, culture, discipline, character
and personhood in their work.
~ of courage who is not a coward in any part of their nature.

~ who is well balanced, who is not cursed with some little defect or
weaknes which cripples their usefulness and neutralizes their power.

~ who is symmetrical and not one-sided in their development, who has not
spent all their energies of their being in one narrow specialty and
allowed all other branches of their life to wither and die.

~ who is broad minded and does not take a half view of things, a person
who mixes common sense with their senses, who does not let a college
education spoil them for practical everyday life, a leader who prefers
substance to show and who regards their good name as a priceless

~ who is full of life and fire, whose passions are trained to heed a
strong desire, the servant of a tender consience, who has learned to
love all beauty, whether of nature or of art, to hate all violence and
to respect others as themselves.

~ who is educated all over, whose nerves are brought to a sharper
sensibility, whose brain is cultured, keen, incisive; whose hands are
adept, whose eyes are alert, sensitive, microscopic; whose heart is
tender, magnanimous and true.

=A0 =9B
n d
2008-10-02 08:18:56 UTC
There are those among us who have a strong sense of self which propels
them forward. This same sense of self, is driven from within them
through their individual connection through their soul with their Higher
Self. This allows them to reach deeper into the manifestion of their
fullest potential.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-02 08:16:41 UTC
The greatest tool we have is our brain and the capacity to think. To
think is to live and to live is to think. Learning engages the mind and
is fuel which keeps the brain healthy, growing and vital.


=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-02 08:17:24 UTC
The vital world issues of today are but the reflection of our own doing,
revealing for questioning, 'just what are we made in the image and
likeness of ? Are we no more than non-stop tube-fed boobs, bloopers and

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-02 08:19:51 UTC
One of the greatest examples of this can be observed and is celebrated
in the Special Olympics. And may that be a lesson or an inspiation for
making and doing something for our-Self.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
as is
2008-10-02 18:29:56 UTC
We personally direct the creative process to act for us. We=A0=A0do make
up its mind for it, since the infinite law cannot fail to receive our


as is
2008-10-02 18:29:23 UTC
The law of Mind impersonally and non-selectively takes our thoughts and
creates physical counterparts which then become the fabric of our
lives---our relationships, our possissions, our careers.

as is
2008-10-02 18:30:29 UTC
As distasteful as some of our creations may become, they are still our
personalizations of the law of Mind. They are the results of our
imperfect thinking and provide a divine response that seems somehow
slanted against us.


as is
2008-10-02 18:31:38 UTC
There is such tremendous freedom to be had if we change our thinking to
change our lives, and this change can begin at any time.


as is
2008-10-02 18:31:03 UTC
The weight, then, of a more pleasant response belongs to us. We are the
ones who must change our relationship to God by becoming more expert at
thinking in a healthier way, thus provoking a healthier response.=A0=A0


as is
2008-10-02 18:31:59 UTC
The law holds nothing against us. In fact, it cannot. When our thoughts
become more exemplary, our lives, then, must produce exemplary

as is
2008-10-03 17:29:46 UTC
Caring gives latitude to people and gets you past the dislikes and
Quite simply, caring sustains love.


as is
2008-10-03 17:31:13 UTC
Something that hurts us once; it's the THOUGHT that can hurt ten
thousand times.

as is
2008-10-03 17:31:50 UTC
Caring is a healing grace of Truth.


as is
2008-10-03 17:34:26 UTC
The more we truly care, the more we'll come to know ourselves and


as is
2008-10-03 17:32:26 UTC
Caring, flowing through our system, gradually reconnects us consciouly
with our spirit and vitality.


as is
2008-10-03 17:33:47 UTC
Caring provides a conduit for our spirit's expression in the midst of
our social existence.


as is
2008-10-03 17:35:02 UTC
Caring provides the key to unlocking our potential and making it real.

n d
2008-10-04 00:24:29 UTC
The one finite and the other Infinite, and since the Infinite cannot
come from the finite, it follows that the finite must come from the
Infinite --- a little circle within the big circle. =A0

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:26:49 UTC
There is only Mind, in which we all "live and move and have our being."

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:25:14 UTC
We realize the Universal Spirit as the source of all life and
inspiration; an Infinite Self-Knowingness, which we grasp only in part
but which is ever available, since Infinite is omnipresent. =A0=A0=A0=A0

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:29:41 UTC
In the beinning, we behold nothing visible; there is only an Infinite
Possibililty, Limitless Imagination, a Consciousness ___ the only action
of this Consciousness being Idea. =A0=A0

=A0 =A0=A0 .
e w
2008-10-04 18:41:08 UTC
To Know Thy Self, one must walk through the halls of Knowledge and
that knowledge first comes by of discovering what =A0=A0=A0

I need / I want
I will / I won't
I should / I shouldn't
I have / I have not
I can / I can't
I do / I don;t
I am / I am not
.......... and then, ..........begin.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
e w
2008-10-05 02:45:02 UTC
The Supreme Prayer

of my heart is not to be larned, rich, famous, powerful or even good,
but simply to be radiant.
I wish to radiate health, cheerfulness, calm courage and good-will.
I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy or fear.
I wish to be simple, honest, frank, and natural.
Also, to meet all men on an absolute equality to face any obstacle and
meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
j j
2008-10-05 04:32:30 UTC
We can keep ourself, our complete being in a perfect harmony and order
when we choose to think, live and to act in conscious awarness and
recognition of being more than physical, more than mental, and more than
The multi-facets of thinking brings you to the threshold of knowing.
While thinking is complexed, knowing is a simplicity.
1. Physical --- We no longer allow ourself to be dominated by any
2. Consciousness --- The brain is used to work our solutions to
3. Knowledge --- Accumulating facts or information which we find
4. Wisdom --- Applying facts to select, plan and to accomplish a goal.
5. Understanding --- Receiving and comprehending information which
others convey.
6. Awareness --- Using the mind as a link with our inner being and our
7. Knowing --- When we use Creative Mind to change our thinking and
experience changes in the outer forms by Universal Law.

=A0 =9B
d s
2008-10-05 17:29:26 UTC
If our real interest is in the Higher the whole life will manifest it.


d s
2008-10-05 17:29:59 UTC
The good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having
different ends, bind a man.

d s
2008-10-05 17:31:05 UTC
He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.


d s
2008-10-05 17:32:27 UTC
We would all like to feel that fortified state of mind which comes from
conscious connection with the Whole; but the ego brings a harsh,
discordant note into our life and makes it barren and unhappy.

d s
2008-10-05 17:33:18 UTC
Only one who is master of himself can help others to be happy.

as is
2008-10-06 07:37:54 UTC
Effective change comes about through the continuity of sincere effort of
letting go of inefficent thought patterns of the past.
It requires work, sacrifice and focus.


as is
2008-10-06 07:38:32 UTC
The most powerful agent of growth and transformation is something innate
within the heart.

as is
2008-10-06 07:39:07 UTC
That Spirit is Love, Light, and Life.


as is
2008-10-06 07:41:26 UTC
When we have compassion, forgiveness and healing of our own, we have
these to share with others. =A0

n d
2008-10-06 19:26:23 UTC
We are never ever angry with another person for the reason/s we think
and would like to believe as true.

Anger with another reflects something within our own personality that
we've not yet resolved. This is usually connected with an unfulfilled
desire which in turn hampers our integrity and character.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
as is
2008-10-08 18:11:03 UTC
When we have compassion, forgiveness and healing of our own, we have
these to share with others. =A0

as is
2008-10-08 18:13:34 UTC
Experience upon experience is but the Nature of Spirit and Its Seasons
within our heart.

d s
2008-10-08 19:47:57 UTC
Chaos rises when all the lower instincts of man become uppermost.

d s
2008-10-08 19:48:27 UTC
Dangerous are the senses, they even carry away forcibly the mind of a
discriminative man who is striving for perfection.

d s
2008-10-08 19:49:27 UTC
His wisdom is well-established whose senses are under control.

d s
2008-10-08 19:48:59 UTC
The man of steady wisdom, having subdued them all (senses), becomes
fixed The Supreme.

d s
2008-10-08 19:50:45 UTC
They distort the mind and poison the whole system.

d s
2008-10-08 19:50:19 UTC
The bite of a rattlesnake is not half so dangerous as the sting of
anger, envy, jealousy and hatred.

d s
2008-10-08 19:51:15 UTC
The ways of the mind are countless. Every thought and deed causes a
ripple or a wave in the mind-stuff.

d s
2008-10-08 19:51:40 UTC
The most harmful ones we recognize as anger, hatred, jealousy. They are
counteracted by waves of love, generosity, patience and unselfishness.

d s
2008-10-09 21:23:30 UTC
Then you will remember how the thing seemed to grow--taking possession
of you, until you scarcely could shake it off.

=A0=A0You found it much easier to become jealous the next time. It
seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects--apparently justifying
your suspicions and feeling. Everything began to look green... the
green-eyed monster waxed fat.

d s
2008-10-09 21:23:59 UTC
And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If you give way to a fit of
rage, you will find it easier to become angry the next time--on less
provocation. The habit of feeling and acting "mean" does not take long
to firmly settle itself in its new home, if encouraged.


j j
2008-10-10 08:08:05 UTC
A noble soul is always noble in all circumstances.

=A0 =9B
j j
2008-10-10 08:09:16 UTC
When a man is satisfied in the (higher) Self by Self alone and has
completely cast out all desires from the mind, then he is said to be of
steady wisdom.

=A0 =9B
j j
2008-10-10 08:09:46 UTC
Thoughts are as fragrant as flowers. They sweeten our life. He who is
protected by pure spiritual thought is always safe.


=A0 =9B
j j
2008-10-10 08:11:26 UTC
Also the spirit of harmony and peace and nobility come out from that
same heart.

=A0 =9B
as is
2008-10-11 06:07:21 UTC
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom.
Only a person who risks --- is free.

d s
2008-10-11 18:49:27 UTC

Worry is a great habit for growing and waxing fat. People start by
worrying about big things--and then begin to worry and fret about some
smaller thing. And then the merest trifle worries and distresses them.
They imagine that all sorts of evil things are about to befall them.

d s
2008-10-11 18:50:40 UTC
And so it goes--worry, worry, worry--each indulgence making the habit
more at home.

d s
2008-10-11 18:51:53 UTC
The condition of mind known as "fault-finding" is another emotion that
grows fat with exercise.

d s
2008-10-11 18:51:21 UTC
After a while the continued thought shows itself in action. Not only is
the mind poisoned by the blue thoughts, but the forehead shows deep
lines between the eyebrows, and the voice takes on that whining, rasping
tone so common among worry-burdened people.

d s
2008-10-11 18:50:08 UTC
If they start on a journey, they are certain there is going to be a
wreck. If a telegram comes, it is sure to contain some dreadful tidings.
If a child seems a little quiet, the worrying mother is positive it is
going to fall ill and die. If the husband seems thoughtful as he
revolves some business plan in his mind, then the good wife is convinced
that he is beginning to cease to love her--and indulges in a crying

d s
2008-10-11 18:52:31 UTC
First, fault is found with this thing, then with that, and finally with
everything. The person becomes a chronic "nagger"--a burden to friends
and relatives and a thing to be avoided by outsiders.

as is
2008-10-12 08:08:32 UTC
How necessary it is that we guard our thoughts and not make certain
contacts. If we do not guard them, we shall be the losers.

as is
2008-10-12 08:07:50 UTC
We are weakened by our thought and we are made strong by our thought.

as is
2008-10-12 08:09:02 UTC
We contact the high points and the low points of the universe by our


as is
2008-10-12 08:09:58 UTC
If we keep our mind with steadfastness on a high point and continue to
hold it there, the result will be a great awakening.

as is
2008-10-12 08:10:20 UTC
If it is not held there, it will drop to a low point. It rests with each
individual to determine where the mind will make its contact.

as is
2008-10-13 18:28:39 UTC
Love, the common thread of life, the flame of the soul, the energy of
Spirit that supplies passion to our lives connects us with one another
and with our Source.

as is
2008-10-13 18:29:34 UTC
Being love and being loved is to stand withi the center of Life, Love,
and Light.

as is
2008-10-13 18:29:06 UTC
Whatever we do, do it with love.

as is
2008-10-13 18:31:16 UTC
Love carves within the heart by pain a greater capacity for loving

d s
2008-10-14 08:28:34 UTC
Women make the greatest naggers. Not because men are any better, but
simply because a man-nagger is apt to have the habit knocked out of him
by other men who will not stand for his nonsense. He finds that he is
making things too hot for himself, and he reforms--while a woman has
more of a chance to indulge in the habit primarily with other women who
usually have not the courage to address and issue directly in the


as is
2008-10-13 18:30:06 UTC
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to
love, and something to hope for .

as is
2008-10-13 18:30:56 UTC
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy,
education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of
punishment and hope of reward after death.

as is
2008-10-11 06:05:37 UTC
To try is to risk failure.
But the risk must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to
risk nothing.

as is
2008-10-11 06:04:12 UTC
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.

as is
2008-10-11 06:06:51 UTC
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel,
change, grow, love, live. .

as is
2008-10-11 06:00:44 UTC
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weap is to risk appearing sentimental.

as is
2008-10-11 06:03:24 UTC
To place ideas, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.

as is
2008-10-11 06:01:25 UTC
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feeling is to risk exposing yourself.

j j
2008-10-10 08:11:01 UTC
The seed of discord is planted in the human heart; the spirit of
inharmony is born there.

=A0 =9B
j j
2008-10-10 08:10:33 UTC
Whatever we put in the soil of life, we must expect a like fruition,

=A0 =9B
d s
2008-10-09 21:20:14 UTC
One is apt to think of the emotions as independent from habit. We easily
may think of one acquiring habits of action--and even of thinking--but
we are apt to regard the emotions as something connected with "feeling"
and quite divorced from intellectual effort.

d s
2008-10-09 21:22:51 UTC
Were you ever jealous? If so, you will remember how insidious was its
first approach; how subtly it whispered hateful suggestions into your
willing ear, and how gradually it followed up such suggestions, until--
finally you began to see green.
(Jealousy has an effect upon the bile and causes it to poison the blood.
This is why the idea of green is always associated with it.)

d s
2008-10-09 21:21:36 UTC
It is an axiom of psychology that, "Emotions deepen by repetition." If a
person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of him,
he will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and
so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to

d s
2008-10-09 21:22:14 UTC
If an undesirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent
abode with you, you had better start to work to get rid of it--or at
least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start--for
each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched--and the task
of dislodging it more difficult.

d s
2008-10-09 21:20:45 UTC
Yet, not withstanding the distinction between the two, both are
dependent largely upon habit, and one may repress, increase, develop,
and change one's emotions--just as one may regulate habits of action and
lines of thought.

as is
2008-10-08 18:12:52 UTC
A moment will dawn when the finite and Infinite, when light and shadow,
when opposites aren't as they've appeared to be. =A0


as is
2008-10-08 18:13:17 UTC
You as I, through relationships, have known the winter chills, the
spring thaws, the summer warmth and heat, the autumn letting go.

as is
2008-10-08 18:11:30 UTC
There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep seeking reality
though in fact we are reality. =A0

as is
2008-10-08 18:12:20 UTC
We think that there is something hiding reality and that this must be
destroyed before reality is gained.

as is
2008-10-06 07:40:59 UTC
Grief, despair, tragedy, hatred are temporal. Goodness, remembrance and
love have no end.


d s
2008-10-05 17:30:32 UTC
It is well with him who chooses the good.

d s
2008-10-05 17:32:54 UTC
It also creates unhappiness for other lives. It is through the ego that
we say something unkind to another or that we hurt another; but we hurt
ourselves more, because we cannot harm another without harming

d s
2008-10-05 17:31:47 UTC
When we enter into our true relationship with our fellow-man and with
Divinity, we find our own true worth.

n d
2008-10-04 00:22:08 UTC
No limit can be placed upon the spirit of man. It merges with the
Universal Spirit for the two are really One..

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:27:28 UTC
Things are ideas in form. What else could they be? There is nothing from
which to make things except ideas.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:26:18 UTC
There is no such thing as your mind, my mind and God's Mind.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:23:00 UTC
God, the essence, is in us as God expressing. It is the same essence ,
appearing different through form.

=A0 =A0=A0 .
n d
2008-10-04 00:25:45 UTC
The mind of man is an extension of the Eternal Mind or Spirit, and our
evolution is the unfolding of this everlasting Mind or Spirit through
our thought. =A0

=A0 =A0=A0 .
as is
2008-10-03 17:33:01 UTC
Caring enough about ourself to go to our heart for peace, clarity, is
caring enough to give the very best.


as is
2008-10-03 17:30:26 UTC
Caring helps us to discern the larger, the smaller, a cause, an effect,
the greater, the lesser.

n d
2008-10-02 08:18:03 UTC
If so, it was something we were told, taught and learned by example ...
by elders and that it was okay to have an addition, something to turn on
to turn off the stress of daily being, doing and accomplishing.



=A0 =A0=A0 .